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Stream to Learn 

SMART START is proud to present our online educational program, "Stream to Learn." This virtual classroom, launched during the pandemic, provides a vast variety of curriculum tailored for small group instruction or individualized learning. Stream to Learn is designed and taught to supplement or augment current studies. Students are enhanced and enriched during these educational sessions to ensure a love of learning continues throughout  their academic journey. 

"You have been incredible through this entire process- making all kids feel protected but overall aware of what is going on around them... all while they are playing, learning and having fun!" 
"It certainly was a wild year- starting preschool, going to remote learning and then starting back again with a different look- but you created a flawless, engaged and fun learning experience every step of the way... We are so grateful for your guidance, structure and learning program. You have given the kids a wonderful gift of normalcy, friendship and joy during a year when many are going without... Thank you!"
"Ms. Mary & Miss Francesca, Thank you for helping us navigate a very difficult year! and for always keeping our kids safe and happy in their home away from home."

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